Know your way around a forecast board
Where to go: Deals > Forecast
This article describes what's in a forecast board; go here to learn how to set up or manage forecast board settings.
The Forecast tab shows a view tailored to your needs. Sales leaders see their team's forecast; individuals see their own forecast.
Change what team you see (this capability is based on permissions):
Click the chevron at the top left of the board to navigate up your org chart.
When looking at a manager of manager, click the name of a manager in their team to drill into that team.
Similarly, when looking at a manager, click the name of a team member to see only their forecast.
Click the current manager's name and then search for a team member or manager to jump to their board.
Reps: See your total target, the dollar value you’re at, and % of target covered.
Managers: On the top row, manage your team target (sales quota) by month and by quarter. Below that, see the individual targets for everyone on your team.
Click to edit your target.
How we calculate target attainment: Your target minus your actuals (actual sales).
Targets can be entered manually, or uploaded via CSV. This capability is based on permissions.
Reps: See your total coverage, the number of open deals, and the dollar value.
Managers: On the top row, see your team's coverage. Below that, see the individual coverage for everyone on your team.
Click to drill into your coverage.
How we calculate pipeline coverage: The total active pipeline (open deals) divided by the remaining quota to go.
Reps: See your forecast for each category, how much (%) of your target it represents, and the total dollar value and number of deals that make up that category.
Managers: See the totals for your team.
Click to update your number for the current period, and add notes. Learn more.
When it’s time to update your number, a yellow “clock” icon appears. The cell turns green after you update.
How we calculate the deal value per category: The dollar value and number of deals that are part of that category, as defined in the forecast board settings. Hover over to see what's included.