json/metadata and audio/recordings are fetched from S3, where they are stored together in the same bucket and folders, in paths representing the call date time.
Create general access credentials for your S3 bucket to allow Gong to access it and retrieve json/metadata files and audio/recordings using those credentials. The permissions required by Gong are:
s3: GetBucketLocation
s3: ListBucket
s3: GetObject
Make a note of the information you need for your chosen access method:
AWS S3 access key ID
AWS S3 secret access key
S3 path - the file path to the json/metadata and the audio/recording files in the format, region/bucket/root.
For example, us-east-2/evolveipbucket/crweb-d04/, means the files are located in evolveipbucket, in the us-east-2 AWS region, and all file keys are prefixed with “crweb-d04/”.
Make sure that there is at least one call from the past week in the bucket referred to in the path. This call is used to validate the path.
Also, make sure the path leads to a folder structure that includes the date /yyyy/mm/dd/hh/. For example, the json/metadata and audio/recordings files for a specific call will be:
We expect the matching json/metadata and audio/recordings files to be stored at the same path and have the same name (except the extension).
In Gong, click Company Settings > Integrations > Telephony systems.
Click + Add telephony system, and select EvolveIP.
Enter the following:
S3 access key ID
S3 secret access key
S3 region
S3 path to the json/metadata and audio/recording files in the following format: region/bucket/root (see notes above).
Configure the Speaker channel to the required channel.