Upload recorded calls
Upload calls to Gong when they're recorded by other tools (such as a telephony system). Benefit from analysis of each call, even though they are 1-track, and a copy of the transcript.
Go to Conversations > Search and click Upload calls in the top right corner.
This opens the Upload calls dialog.
Drag the call file into the dialog and click Upload.
We'll upload, analyze, and transcribe the call. You'll receive an email letting you know when it's ready.
Associate the call to an account or opportunity so it's included in related activity.
When a call is uploaded, participants appear as Caller 1, Caller 2, etc. This is because calls are uploaded without any metadata about the participants, so they aren't identifiable.
For calls manually uploaded to Gong via the web app, the file size limit is 2GB. If the call size exceeds 2GB, you'll get an error. The following file types are supported: WAV, MP3, MP4, MKV and FLAC.