Here's a few tips to get ready for your next call with your prospect!
Tip #1: Check out last interactions with the prospect
Before you go into a call check out you or your team's interactions with the customer.
The best place to start is the company's account page. Here you can see all interactions with that customer - both voice and written conversations. The initial focus is on your last email or meeting, but you can scroll through the timeline to see earlier interactions. For more details, see Intro to the account page.
Tip #2: Listen to a previous call
Refresh your memory before talking to a customer by listening to previous calls you or your team had with them to better prepare the agenda. Use comments and keyword/topic search to focus on the most relevant areas in the call.
If you're on the account page, simply click GO TO CALL.
Tip #3: Dive into the details
Dig into that last call to refresh yourself on what was discussed, where you left off, and whether any action items mentioned.