FAQs for Whisper for topics
Which team members/calls should I choose?
For meaningful recommendations, select team members who play similar roles on your team, work on similar types of opportunities and follow the same sales process. The more team members you include, the easier it is for Whisper to identify significant differences, between top performers and the rest, while disregarding individual nuances or subtleties.
The same with calls. More calls mean better recommendations. However, we recommend trying Whisper even if your team has only a few calls. While you’ll probably get fewer recommendations, the ones provided should still highlight meaningful and actionable differences. As your team handles more calls, come back and run the analysis again to see Whisper’s updated recommendations
What analysis period should I select?
Select the period in which the majority of the team members you selected worked and had calls. For example, if most of your team members have only worked together for a quarter, don’t select a period longer than that.
Should I include or exclude new hires?
Team members without sales before the selected analysis period are considered new hires. When you include new hires in the analysis, they are ranked based on their prorated sales during the analysis period. When you select the option to analyze new hires, their behavior is included in the analysis.
When you select not to analyze new hires, only the behavior of team members who had sales before the analysis period affect the recommendations. Nevertheless, new hires may still receive individual recommendations based on that analysis.
How does Gong prorate sales?
You can select any numeric field from the CRM Opportunity Object. Choose the field that is meaningful to your team and organization. If you don’t see all the fields you’re looking for, ask your Gong admin to enable them.
Which ranking criteria should I select?
Team recommendations are given based on insights Whisper found when analyzing the entire team and comparing how top performers and other team members handle calls. Team recommendations don’t apply to everyone on the team; top performers and those near the top, for example, won’t need these specific recommendations. Team recommendations are determined by evaluating all the team members chosen for the analysis; they apply primarily to middle and bottom performers.
Individual recommendations are a subset of team recommendations containing recommendations for a specific team member. For each individual, Whisper highlights areas in which this team member differs most from the team’s top performers.
If you choose to disable team recommendations, individual recommendations are also disabled.
Which calls should I include in the analysis?
Choose calls that are relevant to the team members you selected and reflect a meaningful opportunity-stage for your organization. Selecting a coherent set of calls, in terms of size, type, and stage of opportunity should result in more meaningful and actionable recommendations
The analysis criteria include default filters targeting calls that lasted longer than 10 minutes, from the opportunity-stage that has the most calls based on the other analysis criteria. Click Edit to add, remove or edit filters.
How can I rank team members based on the number of closed opportunities?
In Salesforce, add a custom field and set it to "1" for all opportunities. When defining the analysis report, in the CRM > Opportunity filters area, use the custom field to filter the calls. It will count the total number of closed opportunities.