Common keyword tracker categories
Who's this for?
Here are some common tracker categories, with suggested values for some of them:
Value Proposition
Good/Bad Messaging
Sales Methodology (MEDDIC, Sandler, etc.)
Configuration Requirements
Build vs. Buy:
better build, better buy, build it ourselves, build versus buy, building versus buying, built in-house, construct in-house, develop in-house, do it myself, fully own the development, in-house, operation team's built, outsource, outsourcing, rather build than buy, rather buy than build, rent
Approval Process:
approval, approval timeline, approved, approving, docusign, echosign, electronic signature, po process, procurement, sign order, signatory, signature, signer
Discovery Questions:
are you comfortable, are you familiar, do you have any tool, do you have any tools, do you have tools, how comfortable, how comfortable are you, How do you, how familiar, how familiar are you, how many, how many people, how often, initiative coming, initiatives coming, new initiative, new initiatives, tell me about, tell me more, what are you trying to achieve, what are you using for, what barrier, what barriers, what do they do, what do you, what does your team, what goal, what is the goal, what is the goal of, what is the purpose, what is your goal, what is your mission, what is your role, what objective, what objectives, what obstacles, what tool do you, what tools do you, what would you, when do you, when will you, which tools do you, you use tools
account customization, account setup, barriers, blockers, create your account, customer success, dedicated to your account, hangups, help you build out, kickoff, on-boarded, on-boarding, onboarding, pitfalls, setting up your account, timeline, trying to solve
adding value, big investment, don't want to, driving value, getting value, I'm not getting value, increasing value, investment, more value, not sure we'll renew, return on investment, ROI, seeing value, unsure if we'll, usage, worth the investment
add-ons, ARR, MRR, discount, discounted price, discounting, license, licenses, multi-year, negotiate, negotiation, per month, per year, price, seats, number of users
Account Expansion:
renewal, renew, extend, expand, reports, report, reporting, analysis, insights, value, added value, driving value, cancel, cancelling, canceling, cancellation, next year, 2017, 2018, 2019
You can also edit out-of-the-box keyword trackers, so they match your particular business needs.