Get set up for Gong Recruiting
Your initial setup is done by your Gong admin. They will create a dedicated Gong workspace, set up data capture and permissions for each recruitment role, and connect Gong with your ATS.
To verify you have Gong Recruiting, in the top navigation bar, click your name, and then My Settings, and verify that the following section appears:
Your settings in that section may be different than the image shown here due to your role.
If you cannot see Web conference interviews at all, contact your Gong tech admin.
If you are new to Gong, after your admin has added you to the recruiting workspace and set up your data capture and access permission settings, you may need to do a few steps to complete set up:
Check your email for a welcome message from Gong, and follow the instructions to sign into your account.
Sync your calendar with Gong.
Familiarize yourself with Gong by joining our training sessions.
If you already have an account, Check you can access the recruiting workspace. If you have any issues, contact your Gong tech admin.