Capture mobile screening calls with Gong Connect
Gong Connect is a VoIP service within the Gong mobile app. It works with either Wi-Fi or cellular connections. Calls are automatically recorded and ingested into Gong, so whether you're a recruiter or a hiring manager, you can get the full picture of your candidate engagement.
Make outbound calls from the Gong app at any time and never miss key candidate information or next steps.
Outbound calls are supported on iOS devices only (Android is not yet available), for calls in the USA and Canada only, and for organizations with an ATS integration: Greenhouse, Ashby, and Lever.
This feature must be enabled by your Gong tech admin before you see it in your Gong mobile app for iOS. If you can't see it, it means that either your admin didn't enable Gong Connect for you yet, or that your phone is an Android.
To use Gong Connect, you must first complete a short verification procedure:
Download the latest version of the Gong mobile app for iOS.
Tap the Calls button on the bottom bar.
In the welcome screen, tap LET'S GO, and follow the registration wizard.
Enter your personal mobile number and tap NEXT.
Your personal number is only used for the one-time verification, and then to present it as your caller ID. Gong will not use your number for any other purpose.
Make sure you entered the correct number, and tap YES, NEXT.
A code is now displayed on screen, and a bot will call you to retrieve the code.
When you're called, give the code shown on the Gong Connect screen.
Once you are successfully verified, you can start making calls.
Tap the Gong Connect call button .
Only calls made via the app will be recorded by Gong.
To call, do one of the following:
Find the candidate in your contact list or recent call log.
Search for the candidate:
All candidates available in your connected ATS are available in Gong Connect. Gong extracts them from the ATS as well as email exchanges you've made every 30 minutes.
Click the contact icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Start typing the candidate's name.
Select the candidate from the list and click to open their card.
Click the number you want to dial.
Free dial .
Gong Connect supports many phone number formats. In all formats, you must include the country and area code, for example: +1(555)555-1234
If you free dial, the call can be recorded, but will not be connected to a specific candidate in your ATS.
During the call you may mute yourself, use the speaker, use the dial pad, and cancel the recording.
Canceling the recording permanently deletes it
To update a candidate's details, search for an existing candidate, tap their name, and then tap Edit to edit their phone numbers. These updated numbers will only be available (for now) for Gong Connect users and will not be synced to your ATS.
In the US and Canada, protocols are in place to protect people from illegal robocalls and call spoofing. These protocols may result in unidentified numbers being classified as spam. For suggestions on how you to improve the likelihood that the calls you make via Gong Connect go through, see this.
Call recording regulations vary per country and state, and it is your responsibility to make sure that you comply with local regulations for obtaining the consent of your call participants to record the call.
In the US, some states require more than one party's consent to record a call. Since recording regulations differ between US states, we recommend that you announce that the call is being recorded at the beginning of every call. When calling with the Gong dialer, Gong plays a reminder before the call connects, prompting you to inform the other party that the call is being recorded.
You can always cancel or delete the recording during the call.
In addition, your company has set different recording methods for different regions. For US calls, these settings may vary per state.