Troubleshooting insights
Statistics are only collected for calls where speakers are identified. For example, if a team member participated in 10 calls, but was only identified as a speaker on five of those calls, their stats will reflect their level of activity for those five calls only.
Fixing this is a job for your Gong business admin.
In many telephony systems, you can define which channel a team member uses. Make sure that this has been correctly assigned.
For more details, see How Gong identifies speakers.
The feedback metric only counts feedback requests marked as reviewed, or comments left on a call, not by the call owner but that are visible to the call owner. If a comment was added privately, and the call host can't see it, it's not counted.
Team members who have not agreed to voice identification may not appear in stats about Interactivity or Topic stats.
Check if a user has allowed voice identification by going to their profile in Gong. If they haven't, we may be able to separate speakers, but we don't know who is who. For example, we don't know who spoke 53% of the time and who spoke for 47% of the time. Users who haven't allowed voice identification can still have other stats (for example, interaction or topics stats) because we don't need voice identification to know who is who for web conferencing calls.
If someone sees "N/A" next to their name on one of the pages in Insights, it means they don't have any applicable calls in that section (for example Activity, Interaction, Topics, Coaching). The individual will be the only one who sees "N/A", other users just won't see that team member's name. If someone sees "0" next to their name, it means they have applicable calls in that section (for example' Activity, Interaction, Topics, Coaching) but not in that particular area. For example, maybe they received comments on their calls, but haven't written any comments on other people's calls. So, they have applicable calls in the "Coaching" section, they just don't have any calls for the "Feedback Given" tab.
Here are some of the reasons why you may be seeing different numbers of calls for stats about the same team member:
In Initiatives, all calls are counted by default, including internal calls.
In Team, the default is customer calls only. This can be changed to all calls, or to a specific call category.
In Initiatives, you can count by deals or calls.
In Team, you can only count calls. If you’re comparing, make sure you compare calls to calls.
In Initiatives, tracker filters are applied to both the number of calls we count in the board (the denominator), and the number of calls in which that tracker is mentioned (the numerator). For example, you are tracking an initiative in specific calls (the denominator), and want to know in how many of these calls the initiative is mentioned (the numerator).
In Team, tracker filters are only applied to the numerator. For example, you want to see how often a specific tracker comes up (numerator) within a certain call category.
In Initiatives, tracker adoption is based on the owner of the call. If a tracker is mentioned during a call, according to tracker settings but regardless of who said it, it is counted towards the call owner, only.
In Team, if a tracker is mentioned during a call, according to tracker settings but regardless of who said it, it is counted towards all call participants.