Step 3: Connect your ATS
Once Gong is connected to the ATS, it imports data on candidates, jobs, and recruiting stages and uses this data to analyze interviews, allowing users to review and collaborate on them.
Gong currently supports Greenhouse, Lever, and Asby integrations. Skip to the relevant section according to your company's ATS and complete the procedure by connecting the API key to Gong.
Who can do this: Greenhouse administrator
In Greenhouse, go to Settings > Dev Center > API Credentials and click Create New API Key.
Set the API Type to Harvest.
Set the Partner to Merge (in the HRIS section).
Enter a description. This short description may appear in some integration points. Therefore, we recommend using "Gong Recruiting" or "Gong".
Click Manage Permissions.
Copy the API key, and then click I have stored the API Key.
Manage permissions as follows:
Make sure all Get requests are selected for all objects.
Select the Post: Add Note request for Candidates.
Watch a short video showing this process:
Click Save.
Who can do this: Lever administrator
In Lever, go to the API Credentials page in Settings, and in the Lever API credentials section, click Generate New Key.
Give the API key a name, and then click COPY KEY. This name may appear in some integration points. Therefore, we recommend using "Gong Recruiting" or "Gong".
Scroll down, select the Select all read preset for all objects, and write permission for the Note object: create opportunity note
Click Done.
Who can do this: Ashby administrator
In Ashby, go to the API Keys section in the admin page, and click New.
Give the API key a name, and then click Create API KEY. This name may appear in some integration points. Therefore, we recommend using "Gong Recruiting" or "Gong Integration".
Copy the API key and close the dialog.
Who can do this:
In Gong, from to your company settings page, go to Recruiting settings, and under ATS Connection, click Connect.
Select your ATS, enter the API key you got in the previous step, and click Submit.
If working with Greenhouse: verify Gong can access all the end points requested.
If access to any Greenhouse data points failed, we recommend going back and creating a new API key, selecting all required permissions.
Click Continue to close the window.
Approve the use of (a third party API provider) to connect your ATS to Gong, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the connection.