Create and edit initiative boards
Where to go: Insights > Initiatives
Click Edit this board or Create new board.
Give the board a meaningful name that reflects the initiative you want to measure adoption for.
Add a description for the initiative. This is displayed in the Board settings in the initiative board.
Click + Add tracker and select trackers that relate to this initiative. We recommend adding no more than 6 trackers to a board, but you can add as many as you want.
Don’t have trackers to surface mentions of this initiative? If you’re a business admin, go ahead and build them. If not, ask a business admin to do it for you.
Set the adoption goals of each tracker:
Set whether you want high adoption of this tracker or low. If you want frequent mentions of the tracker terms, keep the goal of high adoption. If you want infrequent mentions of tracker terms, for example, if it relates to old messaging, set a goal of low adoption.
Set the percentages below and above which you want initiative adoption to be measured.
Click Add filter to add filters so that the board shows data on the calls that you want to focus on. The following built-in filters are available:
Call duration: only include interviews which lasted within this range of time
Direction: only include calls that are inbound, outbound or web conference calls
Click Create board.
For a workflow recipe that includes initiative boards, see: Tracking the adoption and performance of strategic initiatives